
Directed by: Jonathan Weiner
Director of Photography: Brett Mullen
AC/PA: Leo Munday
Make-Up by: Michelle Lee Lopez
Location: Charlotte NC
AvidxChange provides simple software solutions to complex and tedious problems. We had a one-day video production shoot at the AvidxChange headquarters located in Charlotte, North Carolina. We were tasked with creating a professionally produced social media video called “Thank You.” The premise of the video was to showcase different members of the team sharing why they enjoy providing value to each customer and the passion they hold behind it. Each member of AvidxChange gets to know their clientele or business owner personally, helping to build their trust and maintain a valuable relationship. Since AvidxChange works directly with each client, they leave their job every day seeing firsthand how they made a person’s life easier, and their business even better. This was a fun project as we got to see the employee faces light up as they shared the passion behind the why.
"Working with 360 Visuals has really been an incredible experience from start to finish..."
-Liv Schichtel, Customer Marketer, AvidxChange